A place for opinions and notes of a valibuk.

Switching Network Configurations

Tagged with: — ondrej at 10:54 pm on Monday, September 25, 2006

Larry the CowI use my notebook mainly on two places: work and home. Each of this places has different network configurations — at work I have a fixed IP, at home I have a DHCP server.

Actually there is a very nice application for changing network configurations (or, if you like, profiles) — QuickSwitch (emerge quickswitch).
(There is more where this came from … )

Clicking Sound of Hard Drive on Dell Notebook

Tagged with: — ondrej at 1:05 am on Sunday, September 24, 2006

Arrrrgh… It was like a torture! The harddrive in an only-few-days-old notebook (Dell Latitude D820) was producing an annoying clicking sound.

Click… 10 seconds…. CLICK…. 9 seconds…. CLICK
(There is more where this came from … )

Gentoo on Dell Latitude D820

Tagged with: — ondrej at 11:23 pm on Saturday, September 23, 2006

Larry the Cow Hurrah :) This week week I got a new notebook. Yeah, it took one month (meanwhile I was reading the Programming Ruby book, so it was quite short month; it is a nice book, I can only recommend it ;).

But back to the notebook. I installed Gentoo on it and I wrote a short howto.

Optická sieť pre domácnosti v Bratislave II.

Tagged with: — ondrej at 2:01 pm on Friday, September 22, 2006

Keďže už je september a malo sa čosi diať (viď môj predchádzajúcu príspevok), opäť som zavolal na číslo z letáku od Orange.

K pripájaniu by malo prísť ku koncu roka, v decembri; zatiaľ prebieha výstavba siete… Služby ma mali zahŕňať internetové pripojenie, televíziu, video požičovňu a telefonovanie. Ceny či balíky služieb zatiaľ (stále) nie sú k dispozícii.
(There is more where this came from … )