A place for opinions and notes of a valibuk.

Optická sieť pre domácnosti v Bratislave

Tagged with: — ondrej at 11:38 pm on Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Minulý týždeň som našiel v schránke papier od Orange. Plánujú zaviesť do nášho činžiaku optickú sieť. Vo svete poznané pod FTTH (Fiber to the Home).

[Orange, a mobile operator, decided to provide FTTH, an optical network for households, in Bratislava, Slovakia.]

(There is more where this came from … )

How To Use date_select for Birth Date Field

Tagged with: — ondrej at 11:08 pm on Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ruby on Rails The date selection date_select widget by default contains years from five years before to five years after the current date.

This is not sufficient for a birth date field.
(There is more where this came from … )

Using Migrations for Generating Initial or Test Data II.

Tagged with: — ondrej at 2:58 pm on Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ruby on RailsLast week I wrote a post how to use migrations to enter initial (or test) data into one table. Now I will show how does it work for two tables with a join.

Firstly, we will create the second model Employee; the User model defined in the previous post is the first model.

The Employee model represents the domain specific part of person details such as first name, surname and date of birth; the User model represents the technically specific part such as login name and password.

(There is more where this came from … )

Hiring Car in Sweden

Tagged with: — ondrej at 11:06 pm on Wednesday, July 5, 2006

My trip to Sweden starts tomorrow :) Last week I booked a car there.

Firstly I tried to contact some local car rental companies — I said to myself that it should be cheaper than to order it via an international company.
(There is more where this came from … )

Using Migrations for Generating Initial or Test Data

Tagged with: — ondrej at 10:49 pm on Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Ruby on RailsThe migration functionality allows not only to create (and modify) tables and their columns but also to enter initial (or test) data.

Firstly we will create a simple example (only one table); in the second example we will create two joined tables and show how to generate data for them.

In general, for each table there will be two migrations — the first one creates a table and its columns, the second one inserts data.

(There is more where this came from … )